Wednesday 24 September 2014


Jackson Njeru > Dead Beat Kenya
FROM MY INBOX: (Agreement is attached in my Email)
By M. Nankinyi.

Hon peter kaluma aka new Akuku danger,,father of my11yrs daughter ,he chased me away @8 months pregnant ,i was so devastated and was admitted at  pumwani hospital and immediately operated to save my life and the baby’s,he never showed up and took in my neighbour shiku into our house.Upon mum asking him to name the child he said he is not interested in a girl child,,my mum paid my 4wks bill and took me back to upcountry ,i was so depressed beyond measure,i went to the children’s court but he never appeared when he was summoned ,finally he sent his advocate who signed an agreement to pay school fees each end term ,he never honored the agreement signed before the Magistrate ,Hon kaluma called me and said i withdraw the case or else he will amend children rights ,true to his word he is currently doing so ,bragging he is an intelligent lawmaker-legislator ,here is part of the agreement signed before judge and advocate Issack onyango ,anyway you can’t fight with a rich man,i wait for God to bring justice in my case ,his no is 072*****12.long live akuku!!!
(Hon Kaluma should know the real Akuku Danger took care of all his Children)

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