Monday 29 September 2014


There's a girl you really like. But she just thinks you're 'nice!'
There’s nothing sexy going on between you, and she has lots of
other male friends...
Maybe you just don’t rock her boat. More likely it’s because you’ve
never let her know what you really want.

 And so you're stuck in 'the friend zone.' But how do you get out?
There are a few things you need to stop doing immediately: like
calling her all the time, being too obliging, or listening to her guy
problems. And don’t be even slightly tempted to tell her about your
feelings before you know she feels the same towards you. Instead,
talk about places she’s been, movies she’s watched, and her plans
for the weekend. ‘Date talk’ like that tells a girl exactly what you’re
up to. Add some small and personal stuff that’s obviously intended
to be kept secret, and you’re on the way towards intimacy.

 Make sure she knows you like spending time alone with her. And
make it 100% clear you find her sexually attractive. Tease her, for
example, by deliberately misinterpreting things she says as
suggestive. Her knowing you think she’s sexy is also an important
test, because if she’s not comfortable with your interest, then you'll
never be more than friends.
But no pressure. She needs to know you want to sleep with her, but
if she feels she has to decide right then and there, chances are
she'll say no – and stick to her decision.

 Remember too that liking and attraction are completely different
feelings. And without attraction your relationship's going nowhere.
So no more boring dinners. Instead take her places she'll find
exciting! Because fun and excitement lead to arousal. So go
dancing, work out together, learn a new sport, watch an exciting
match, climb a mountain, or go to a live concert.
And touch her. Casually, but with affection. Caress her hair as you
compliment her hairstyle. Take her hand as you cross the street.
Put your hand on her back as you enter a restaurant. Open doors
for her. Seat her at your table. But not when her friends are
around. So she realises that the special treatment's only between
the two of you.
Touching her's important, because it’s another key step towards
intimacy. So go for it! Put an arm around her and pull her in to
your side. Hug her goodbye. Let your feet touch as you sit together.
Touch is also another good way to check her feelings for you. Is she
enjoying it? And touching you back? No? Move on!
And what else? You have to kiss her! No kiss, no relationship.
The best time for a first kiss is sometime you're already really close,
but ultimately there’s no perfect moment. You have to make one.
And it might easily go wrong. So if it does, accept the inevitable
and move on.
But if it goes right, and she starts kissing you back... Kuomeeeeeeeeee

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