Wednesday 29 October 2014


A Sh 250m project to improve internet connectivity in Homa Bay County, officially kicked off on Tuesday.
Social media users and the Business community now have a reason to smile because they will not only have a faster browsing speed but cheaper internet charges.
Governor Cyprian Awiti broke the ground for the project at Kabunde in Homa Bay Sub County and promised a complete internet connectivity in major offices and town centers in two months’ time.

The project is a joint venture between the County Government of Homa Bay and the national Government through the ICT Authority.
Homa Bay is among the first counties to benefit from the project expected to interconnect all the 47 Counties.
The governor said the project will help the County achieve the following:
- Faster and cheaper Internet Connectivity.
- Teleconferencing.
- Stronger and cheaper WI-FI connection.
- Job creation It will be done in THREE phases.
“The First phase, known as the BACK BONE will involve a 34 km cable link from Homa Bay to Rongo where it will join the Kisii-Migori line,” said the Governor.
Phase TWO of the project, he explained will involve connectivity of all offices at the County headquarters, and the County Assembly, the police, Post office and other offices.

He said the third Phase will include the Local Area Network (LAN) that will see the connectivity to all offices at the County headquarters.
“As a County Government, we value this project, because once completed, will help fast track the development agenda of this County,” said the governor.

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