Friday 31 October 2014

Gen Karangi’s ‘Kitambi’ is Under Attack

When you’re in the army, it is expected
that fitness should be the norm. Due to
the constant drills, a 6 pack should not be
hard to come by. However, as you climb up the ranks, you
do less drills and exercises, and the result
is not very desirable. Chief of the Kenya
Defence Forces Gen. Julius Karangi is clear
evidence of what money and high office
can bring. By virtue of his office, he is getting lots of
photo ops these days. What has been
bothering many Kenyans however, is his
clearly visible ‘one pack’. On Monday, President Uhuru held talks
with the Commander of U.S. Africa
Command, General David Rodriguez at
State House. He briefed him on the
partnership between Kenya and the U.S.
in the ongoing peace efforts in Somalia. Present was Gen. Karangi. In the photos that Uhuru posted on
Facebook, Kenyans were quick to point
out the discrepancy between Gen.
Karangi and Gen. Rodriguez. Karangi
needs to start working out.

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