Wednesday 14 January 2015


John Silas Ouko Jakakimba

Great People of Homa-BayCounty;
We started this journey on 10th December, 2014.
My conviction to serve the People of Homa-Bay County has always been premised on the urge to focus on protection of Devolution and powering on the County Development agenda. In this front, I seek to spare no effort in ensuring there is utmost accountability by the County Government on use of devolved resources.
Our folks want to see that public resources are used for the intended purposes and further that employment and business opportunities obtaining within the County Government portray both county- regional and demographic balance.
It is not lost on us that we must closely partner with The County Government to see that its deliverables are achieved for the betterment of the lives of our people. The need for affordable, accessible and quality heath-care has never been more urgent. We will ensure the County Gov. focuses on improving education standards and expanding roads and electricity/ infrastructure coverage.
Most importantly, it is my hope that Homa-Bay County Government will prioritize Food Security and ensure Fishing sector gets the much-deserved attention. We must move from rain-fed to irrigation-based agriculture. All these are possible when we initiate viable Public-Private Partnerships with both CREDIBLE Local and International investors besides budgetary allocations from the County kitty.
Join me on Friday 16th January, 2015, as I present my Nomination Papers to IEBC in Homa-Bay town. From 18th January, to 10th February, 2015, we will roll out across the county to break-down our Manifesto and explain in fair detail, the policy platforms that premise my bid to succeed Senator Gerald Otieno Kajwang' (RIP). 

 (c) Jakakimba 2015

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